Not as easy as I thought it would be (not drinking alcohol)
Struggling with the urge to drink on the weekends and last week at work was super hard with grumpiness and headaches. Had my 1st social event last night that went well and wow, so many drunk people.
My diet has changes as well that means I am eating more sugar and that doesn’t help with achy joints and weight gain. I realise this is the hardest time (week 3) and hopefully if gets easier, am I kidding myself???
Today I have woken with a really bad headache, worse than if I had been drinking, and I hope it will pass.
Beautiful weather, no wind, perfect for a long walk along the beach before it gets too hot. I am enjoying not drinking alcohol and its physical restraints it has put on my social activities in the past but now, I need to focus on my mental restraints I put on myself!!!