Day 3


Wow, this not drinking has taken over my thoughts and I feel like a bit of a zombie, confused and trying to detract myself on ways to stop thinking about having another alcoholic drink. I woke up at 3 am feeling shit, just like I did after drinking too much and I am wondering why?

My brain won’t stop thinking that I will fail this choice I have made, like many others in my life. I never seem to stick with anything as it all gets too hard and I get stressed out and my brain gets addled. So at 3 am I start reading my book again and Mrs D helps shed some light into why I am feeling this way, she is at Day 51 ( at this page I am reading)

Keeping busy is the key and get ready for the roller coaster ride of emotions that I am expecting to experience very shortly. I have friends coming this afternoon, so my 1st social event where I won’t be drinking. This should prove to be interesting on how I cope!!!

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